
This section provides details on how to prepare your paper for the conference proceedings to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A.

How to prepare your paper


Elsevier/North-Holland Publishing Company will publish the proceedings of the Vienna Conference on Instrumentation as a special (but consecutively numbered) issue of Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A. Due to space limitations in the journal, they will include the majority of the papers submitted, but not all of them. The final selection of papers for publication in NIM A will be made by the International Advisory Committee based on the quality of the contribution. In addition, an extended selection of papers will be made available on line on the Conference web site.

Papers for both, contributed talks and for posters, must not exceed 4 printed 'NIM A' pages. Papers for invited talks must not exceed 8 pages. We ask you to kindly adhere to this strict limit.

The deadline for submission of the paper is 6 April 2013.

Formatting Instructions

The paper should be written in LaTeX. Please, adhere to the instructions given below. To download the three files needed, right-click the links below and select to save the link target:

If you want to compile the template given above, you also need to download the VCI poster PDF, which is embedded as a graphical image.

In order to write your article, you just have to edit paper-template.tex file as specified. Do not modify elsarticle.cls.


You should submit your LaTeX source file and all the figures using the Elsevier Editorial System. We prepared a step-by-step manual for you to guide you through this process. Moreover, you will have to submit a cover letter, but this can also be a blank page.

After submission, the LaTeX file will be compiled on the server and you should check the resulting PDF file online.

In case of any problems don't hesitate to send an e-mail to and ask for assistance.