Welcome to the 13th edition of the VCI!
Thank you for attending this year's conference. We are hoping to seeing you during the 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation between 15th and 19th February 2016.
The Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (VCI) took take place between Monday, 11th and Friday, 15th February 2013 and presented the newest developments of detectors for particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics and its applications in biology, medicine, neutron scattering and synchrotron radiation at that time.
The program of this edition offered a larger number of presentations enabling a wider scope of topics, while providing time for more detailed discussions. The conference presented itself in a more pleasant venue including a new exciting social program.
The deadline for paper submission is 6 April 2013.
The conference proceedings will appear as special volume in the journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A.
Important News
Young Scientists Awards
The young-scientists awards have been sponsored by NIM A. The selection committee decided to award for the best talk Alexandra Junkes (Brown Univ.) and David Mahon (Univ. Glasgow). The best poster award is given to Martino Borsato (LAL Orsay) and Karine Lacombe and Guillaume Nasser (CNRS Toulouse)
VCI Agenda on your Mobile Phone

We provide an iPhone and Android App for your smartphone to store the VCI agenda for offline browsing. Please download the App using the links for iPhone & iPad or Android.
Conference Timetable
Sessions and timetable were defined and the detailed program with all contributions is now available on Indico!