Social Events and Guided Tours
Various social events are foreseen during the conference. The sightseeing and Heurigen tours scheduled for the free afternoon (Wednesday 13 February) are not included in the conference fee but have to be booked separately with our partner company AUSTROPA interconvention.
- Monday 11 February, 19:30: Welcome Reception, Conference Venue, TU Wien (included in conference fee)
- Tuesday 12 February, 19:30: Classical Concert, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Great Hall (included in conference fee)
- Wednesday 13 February, 14:00: Excursion to the MedAustron ion beam therapy centre(included in conference fee, but needs signing up at the registration desk due to limited number of places)
- Wednesday 13 February, 19:00: optional Heurigen Dinner (to be paid separately!)
- Thursday 14 February, 19:30: Conference Dinner, Palais Ferstel (included in conference fee)
All registered participants and accompanying persons are invited to join these events. Please have a look at the map for the respective locations.
Events included in the conference fee
On the evening of the first conference day, a welcome reception is scheduled directly at the venue with big-band-music and buffet-style food.
The main building of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is located in a baroque building which originally was home of the University of Vienna. Since 1857, it hosts the administration of the Academy and a few of its numerous research units.
This building has a festive hall with an impressive ceiling fresco, which will be the location of a concert evening. An ensemble will perform classical works. Buffet food and drinks will be served in the interval. The photos above are from the VCI2010.
The 800 MeV accelerator centre MedAustron is presently under construction in Wiener Neustadt, about 40km south of Vienna. It will primarily be used for ion beam tumor therapy, but a research beam line is also included. A bus trip and a special tour is offered to visit the centre under the guidance of Dr. Michael Benedikt, the project leader of the accelerator, who will also introduce the subject in his plenary lecture on Monday afternoon. This tour is included in the conference fee, but it is required to sign up at the registration desk due to the limited number of places available.
The Palais Ferstel is about 150 years old and hosts a traditional Viennese coffee shop. In the upper floor, there is a magnificent banquet hall which will be the location of our conference dinner.
The dinner will be in buffet style, such that everybody can select the type and amount of food he or she prefers. There will also be a selection of vegetarian food available.
Our partner company AUSTROPA offers an optional Heurigen Dinner which takes place on the evening on Wednesday 13 February. Moreover, there are two optional tours to the city of Vienna and the outskirts during the scientific programme, which are therefore primarily intended for accompanying persons. These tours are not included in the conference fee and have to be booked and paid separately. For more information on the optional tours, please use the external sightseeing programme website provided by AUSTROPA. You can book the tours during the registration process or later directly at the conference.